This is a fancy finishing touch that’s totally optional. After
looking at the heel, we thought it needed some more love. We added
some veneer to match that which we used on the headstock. Dry fit
the neck into the back body panel. Using your paper pattern, trace
the outline of the heel onto the veneer wood. Sand to about 1mm of
your line. At the abutment to the body panel, carefully hand sand
the edge to your line frequently checking for an airtight fit. Apply
a thin layer of glue and clamp the veneer in place. Use a clamping
block on the heel and a folded rag to soften the pressure on your
beautiful fretboard. Light pressure is all that’s needed; don’t
torque the clamps down as hard as you can. Make sure the glued piece
does not slip away from the body panel. Let it dry for at least an
hour, preferably two.
a sanding block with 60 grit to flush out the veneer piece to the
heel. And like before, sand the area smooth with 100 and 150 grits. |